Sabine Delafon 19 > 26 ottobre 2017

Sabine Delafon – REVER
Mercoledì 25 ottobre ore 19.00 / 22.00
Fondazione Arthur Cravan, via Aleardi 11, Milano

Siamo felici di invitarvi alla serata conclusiva della Residenza Insensata di Sabine Delafon! We are pleased to invite you at the closing evening of Sabine Delafon’s  Senseless Residency!


Proposal for the Senseless Residency program


In these last few weeks I conduct a search to recollect and understand my dreams. From the beginning of the ages there is a kind of mystery around them and humanity gave them different meanings, and tried to explain the causes and reasons. I believe that dreams are connected to what we live every day. With what we saw and heard. I also believe in kinds of waves between people and objects, especially during the night when mind control is definitely lowered. A sort of telepathy is set up. During my stay in the ‘senseless’ residency Arthur Cravan Foundation I will experience and transcribe my dreams on papers stuck on the walls. Probably with eyes closed. Writing down the unconscious.


I will search the dream contact in Milan’s Chinatown with my camera.

FullSizeRende1r dreams


In queste ultime settimane cerco di ricordare e comprendere i miei sogni. Fin da tempi remoti il sogno è stato un mistero e abbiamo dato ai sogni diversi significati per spiegarne le origini, le cause e gli effetti. Sembrano collegati a ciò che viviamo ogni giorno. A ciò che vediamo e sentiamo. Potrebbero esserci delle onde tra le persone e le cose particolarmente durante la notte quando il controllo della mente si abbassa radicalmente. Potrebbero avvenire delle telepatie.
Durante il mio soggiorno nella residenza ‘No Sense’ della Fondazione Arthur Cravan sperimenterò e trascriverò i miei sogni su carte attaccate alle pareti. Probabilmente chiudendo gli occhi. Una scrittura dell’inconscio.


Cercherò il contatto con il sogno di chinatown a Milano con la mia macchina fotografica.


Au cours de ces dernières semaines, je m’efforce de me rappeler et comprendre mes rêves. Depuis l’origine des temps, il y a une sorte de mystère autour d’eux. L’humanité leur a donné des significations différentes, a essayé d’expliquer les causes, les raisons et les effets. Je crois que les rêves sont liés à ce que nous vivons tous les jours: ce que nous sentons, voyons et entendons. Je crois aussi a des sortes de vagues entre les personnes et les objets, surtout pendant la nuit où le contrôle mental s’abaisse. Une sorte de télépathie est mise en place. Durant mon séjour à la Fondation Arthur Cravan, je vais expérimenter et transcrire mes rêves sur des papiers collés sur les murs. Probablement les yeux fermés. Ecrire l’inconscient.


Je chercherai le contact avec le rêve du quartier chinois de Milan avec mon appareil photo.


Sabine Delafon’s artwork spans from photography to glass installation, from writing painting to performance, passing through the street art. Her main areas of research are identity, love and spirituality into the key of quantity. The intersection of these central themes, their repitition and the course of time is where her work takes shape. A great book with open chapters of a human history. Her exhibitions include Benahdj Djilali, Berlin – The Hundred Years Gallery, London – The Ghost Gallery, Paris – noTitle, Basel – The Art Markets, Milan – Artissima, Turin – Vkunstfrankfurt, Frankfurt – Pecci Museum, Milan – Edisyon, Istanbul – Musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne – Carrie Haddad Gallery, New York – Room Gallery, Milan – Warehouse, Teramo – Vault, Prato – Mars, Milan – Sandretto Rebaudengo Fondation, Guarene – Mediamatic, Amsterdam – NotFair, Milan – Santa Monica Art Center, Barcelona – Up front Art, New York – Photography Foundation, Turin – Castello di Rivara – Biennal of Young Mediterranean Artists, Naples – Bologne Flash art, Bologne – Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan – Castello di Rivara. Over the years she has carried out performances in New York, Milan, Rome, Turin, Avignon, Paris, Vienna, Warsaw. Artist residencies include Fondazione Lac o Le Mon, Abate Zanetti, Viafarini and Spinola Banna Fondation. www.sabine delafon.