“The stars are matter,
We’re matter,
But it doesn’t matter.” – Don Van Vliet (Captain Beefheart)
Artists, scientists and researchers of various fields are asked to present a reflection, a thought on space, time, energy, matter.
The arts and the sciences have used these concepts to propose always new shapes, ideas and theories to represent and explain the universe.
But just how big is the influence of the different ways of perception/observation, calculation/measurement and imagination?
What does a scientist observe of space, what does the artist, what a musician or a boxer? How do they measure what they observe? How do they imagine what they are not yet able to observe, while observing the same thing? In short, how does a scientist perceive/measure/imagine time, space, cosmos and how does an artist… and what can one do the one of the imagination and of the knowledge of the other.
When we speak about black holes and dark matter it seems as if we are sliding into a region where the rationality of calculations and of scientific hypothesis trespass into the language of art, of poetry, of mysticism.
The effect of the imaginary component “overtakes” the scientific theories?
‘Let’s talk about it’… we will try to understand if we are talking about the same things or if each discipline has now the instruments to invent a cosmos of his own, for his own ends.
Cose Cosmiche will be developing in various stages to give the invited researchers the opportunity to know each other and to interact for collaborations and productions. A publication will collect all the interventions of the past editions.
Curated by di Helga Franza and Silvia Hell.
Arrivals and departures. Aka: the 10 dimensions plus 1.
26th September 2012 > 1st October 2012, Galleria Artra, via Burlamacchi 1, Milan
Wednesday 26th Sept start 5 PM|Opening 8 PM
Friday 28th Sept start 5 PM|Opening 8 PM
Saturday 29th Sept start 5 PM|Opening 8 PM
Monday 1st Oct start 5 PM|Opening 8 PM
“The stars are matter,
We’re matter,
But it doesn’t matter.” – Don Van Vliet (Captain Beefheart)
A week of meetings and workshops where artists, scientists and researchers of various fields are invited to present their thoughts on space, time, energy and matter. The arts and the sciences have used these concepts to define the universe we live in, always proposing new shapes, ideas and theories to represent and explain it. But just how big is the influence of the different ways of perception/observation, calculation/measurement and imagination? What does a scientist observe of space, what does the artist, what the musician or a boxer? How do they measure what they observe? How do they imagine what they are not yet able to observe, while observing the same thing? In short, how does a scientist perceive/measure/imagine time, space, cosmos and how does an artist… and what can one do the one of the imagination and of the knowledge of the other.
When we speak about black holes and dark matter it seems as if we are sliding into a region where the rationality of calculations and of scientific hypothesis trespass into the language of art, of poetry, of mysticism. ‘Let’s talk about it’… we will try to understand if we are talking about the same things or if each discipline has now the instruments to invent a cosmos of his own, for his own ends.
Some anticipations of Cose Cosmiche #3:
Luca Valenziano (INAF/IASF-Bologna, I) and Antonella Del Rosso (CERN Ginevra, CH) will discuss the numerous extra dimensions that our universe could have. Multiverses, matter, antimatter and, obviously, the recently observed Higgs boson will be explained and discussed.
Actions with Gianluca Codeghini muoviti fino a quando nella tua memoria avrai il dubbio di esserti spinto altrove o di non esserti mai mosso (move until in your memory you’ll have the doubt of having reached somewhere else or of not having moved at all).
Patrizia Caraveo (Director dell’istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica di Milano, I) will deliver a conference based on her studies about Geminga; a tremendously spiteful gamma-ray source that she has been studying for years. The outcome is that Geminga is a star made of neutrons, and the last stage of the raw materia before it becames a black hole.
From Pittsburgh Swing Song Centripetal performance by the 181 (Brandon Boan, Abby Donovan, Tom Hughes, Jason Rhodes).
Giampaolo Capisani will analyze The Syrian Third World War extra-dimensions in a presentation that stems from some of his geopolitical studies.
Massimo Cappi (INAF/IASF Bologna, I) will deliver a presentation on special relativity, black holes and New Observational Windows.
Massimiliano Viel will conduct a workshop on electromagnetic soundscapes.
Claudio Rozzoni (Università degli Studi di Milano, I) will present the reflections of some important thinkers of the twentieth century around the notion of Cosmo.
Angelo Avogadri will play Seven small loops rolled up on themselves. Space and Time observed.
Serena Osti will present a performance about discourse markers on the limits of grammatical structures.
Alessandro di Pietro, Simone Frangi, Pietro Spoto will present Measuring; a workshop about non-objective measurement.
Marta Fernández Calvo in collaboration with astronomers Arianna Cortesi (Capodimonte astronomical observatory, Naples, I) and Claudia Mignone (European Space Agency, ESA, Noordwijk, NL) will present Navigation proves;a performance about some coincidences between the movement in elliptical galaxies and the navigation in the exhibition space.
Bruno Muzzolini will present Star Walk, a site-specific intervention.
Elena Cologni will present he current workSPA(E)CIOUS, a project that aims at sharing the experience and memorisation of space and time in the present.
What will make you say that a situation-an event-a thing-a work of art is Cosmic? Cosmic Price award.
The space of the gallery containing the works being developed, the project “disegni di extra dimensioni” (drawings of extra dimensions) and the results of the meetings and discussions will be accessible for the whole week.
Cose Cosmiche is an exhibition by Helga Franza and Silvia Hell, and it is realized thanks to the contribution of the Arthur Cravan foundation and Galleria Artra.
The conference program and the timetables will be available soon online and via phone at Galleria Artra +39.92.5457373
The winner project is: COSE COSMICHE – PROPOSAL by Moritz Fingerhut enter>
What makes you say that a thing-situation-event-creation is Cosmic? It is something which goes beyond the parameters we are used to and which are given by the contingency, by our generation, epoch, planet.
The Arthur Cravan Foundation, in the occasion of Cosmic Things #3 will award a funding for the realization of a project which can be defined as Cosmic, and that has the following characteristics: it shouldn’t have aim and function nor objective or justification; in short it must not be dependable and justifiable in the economic, moral or artistic points of view. All this but with a high content of future vision.
All the projects will be presented to the public during Cosmic Things #3 and the last day the winner will be proclaimed by a jury of scientist, critics, artists, boxers and collectors.
We disclose that the jury’s members will have a fundamental role. They will not only have the responsibility of choosing the winning project: they will contribute to increase the prize amount (juror supporter €50, juror senior €20, Juror enthusiast €5, juror without portfolio €2).
To each judge will be given a certificate recognizing that he/she has contributed to the realization of a Cosmic thing.
The deadline for submitting projects is 26 September 2012.
e-mail: mail@cosecosmiche.org or at Galleria Artra, via Burlamacchi 1, Milano.
Sponsored by COSE COSMICHE & Arthur Cravan Foundation
For more information call 3335346000 (Helga) or 3497936240 (Silvia)
Interval. That is willing to see the invisible (finding the projections reflected and/or finding the swap)
28 novembre 2011 > 4 dicembre 2011
Galleria Artra, via Burlamacchi 1, Milano
Lunedì 28 novembre start h 17.00 | Opening h 19.00
Venerdì 2 dicembre start h 17.00 | Opening h 19.00
Sabato 3 dicembre start h 17.00 | Opening h 19.00
Luca Armigero | Angelo Avogadri | Michele Bazzana | Luca Bolognesi | Giorgio Bonfanti | Alessandra C | Michele Capararo | Gianpaolo Capisani | Massimo Cappi | Francesco Cecinato | T-yong Chung | Sarah Ciracì | Gianluca Codeghini |Tobias Collier | Arianna Cortesi | Emilio Corti | Jacopo De Sanctis | Carlo Dell’Acqua | Paola Fenini | Marta Fernandez Calvo | Massimo Ferronato | Helga Franza | Silvia Hell | Iva Kontic | Luca Lampo | Federica Maglioni | Esther Mathis | Concetta Modica | Bruno Muzzolini Giorgio Palumbo | Giorgio Partesana | Domenico Quaranta | Giovanna Ricotta | Alia Scalvini + Domenico Derosa | Lorenzo Tamai | Luca Valenziano | Giorgia Vian | Massimiliano Viel.
A week of discussions and workshops in which artists, scientists and researchers of various fields are asked to present a remark, a thought on space, time, energy, matter. There will be conferences, competitions, performances and installations, and there is the possibility to use the space of the gallery to develop the work and the ideas during the whole week.
At the current stage, the #2 scenario appears a bit dim: thermodynamic models of catastrophic failures and revolutions, software wars and surprise openings, warm centers and dark matter, difficult tracks and the space conquest, “naked from the ’98” and non-Euclidean polytheism, dark energy and conjuring tricks, rainbow and Uncanny valley.
On the nature of the exchange from exclusive to comprehensive. That is, make ideas and people collide at high temperatures and velocities.
9th June 2011 by Artra, via Burlamacchi 1, Milano
Workshop h 15.30 | Opening h 20 .00
The meeting is curated by Helga Franza and Silvia Hell.
Luca Armigero | Angelo Avogadri | Gazira Babeli | Raffaele Baraldi e Simone Bellotti | Marta Barbieri | Michele Bazzana | Michele Capararo | Massimo Cappi | Sarah Ciracì |Gianluca Codeghini | Tobias Collier | Arianna Cortesi | Emilio Corti | Laura De Bernardi | Carlo Dell’Acqua | Marcella Fanzaga | Marta Fernandez Calvo | Massimo Ferronato | Helga Franza | Gioia Guerzoni | Silvia Hell | Francesco Jodice | Luca Lampo | Federica Maglioni | Esther Mathis | Concetta Modica | Bruno Muzzolini | Domenico Quaranta | Giovanna Ricotta | Alia Scalvini | Maria Lucrezia Schiavarelli | Christian Valente | Davide Valenti | Giorgia Vian | Massimiliano Viel
15.30 Cose Cosmiche introduction / Helga Franza e Silvia Hell ▲
15.40 Come ballano le stelle / Arianna Cortesi ▲ 6 secondi di 24 ore / Luca Armigero ▲ Cercando un metro soggettivo per sondare l’ignoto / Giorgia Vian ▲Conversación_prueba 1 / Marta Fernandez Calvo ▲ L’UNIONE DEI MONDI, more geometrico demonstrata / Davide Valenti ▲
16.45 Pause
17.15 L’aereoplano di Alice / Silvia Hell ▲ I lati (o)scuri dell’Universo: dai buchi neri alla dark energy / Massimo Cappi ▲ Empty refined_02 / Gianluca Codeghini + Massimo Cappi (con Helga Franza) ▲ Lamento di astronauta in caduta libera in un buco nero / Angelo Avogadri ▲
18.30 Cocktail
19.00 Dark Memory – tecnologia / informazione / memoria / Michele Capararo, Massimo Ferronato, Luca Lampo ▲ Moment / Esther Mathis ▲ Concludere, liberare o liberarsi di un lavoro. Spunti per una fine che non lasci un vuoto / Concetta Modica ▲
20.00 Opening – Dinner
20.40 EM – soundscapes elettromagnetici / Massimiliano Viel ▲
21.30SONIFICATION / Federica Maglioni e Arianna Cortesi ▲
Conversación_prueba1 / Marta Fernandez Calvo ▲
Poussée, [stoc-cà-ta] / Giovanna Ricotta ▲
Come to Heaven / Gazira Babeli ▲
Pull / Michele Bazzana ▲
Host / Tobias Collier ▲
2012 / Sarah Ciracì ▲
Piano terra / Carlo Dell’Acqua ▲
Aerial Perspective / Silvia Hell ▲
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