

Anna Bromley 5 > 14 ottobre 2017

Siamo felici di annunciare la prima Residenza Insensata! We are pleased to announce the first  Senseless Residency!

Giovedì 12 Ottobre ore 19.30 / 22.30
Thursday October 12 – 7.30 / 10.30 pm
Fondazione Arthur Cravan, via Aleardi 11 (Chinatown), Milano

QUATSCH! A lecture by Anna Bromley

Q is for quotidian which means the ordinary, the trivial, the mundane.

U is an an abbreviation for “you” in casual written language, especially in the social media.

A is an indefinite article in English. It refers to a person or thing that is not identified.

T is used in spoken English as part of a contraction of the word „not“.

Sch is a German phonem. It means to tell someone to calm down, or to be quiet.
Anna Bromley enjoying the Senseless Residency

Proposal for the Senseless Residency program

Berlin, 01.08.2017
When reading your call for projects among my emails and its thematic perspective towards the „senseless“, I thought that this might be the perfect realm for writing a chapter of my book on the practice and aesthetics of silliness… read more>
