

Curated by the Arthur Cravan Foundation and Cose Cosmiche

February 10 – 27, 2015, 6pm – 9pm
Via Aleardo Aleardi 11, Milano


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FOCUS ON @Studi Festival #1: Saturday, February 14, 6pm – 9pm

The “sublimes” were railing against growth and overdevelopment long before the term was coined. Denounced by the Establishment as immoral, these working class men and women – who put play before work and squirmed relentlessly free of the disciplined factory life – were guilty of no more than espousing the popular view of the age. 1

Inspired by the utopia of the Parisian “Sublime” of 1870 and by this degrowth movement, one of slowing down and sharing ideas in their most “simple” and “embryonic” state, the Arthur Cravan Foundation asked artists, musicians, and writers to put their journals, notebooks, sketchbooks and preparatory materials on view for the public – this fascinating archive will be available for visit and consultation during the Studi Festival #1, from February 10 – 15, 2015.

Visitors will be permitted to consult these most intimate materials of the creative process, so rarely exhibited or made available to the public —“naked,” exhilarating, poetic ideas, by turns intoxicated and sober, still longing to become a complete work. And all to be shared and savored at the viewer’s own pace.

On view in the exhibition are the notebooks of:

Angelo Avogadri | Francesco Bertocco | Isabella Bordoni | Valerio Borgonuovo | Diego Caglioni | Antonio Cavadini | Gianluca Codeghini | Athena Corcoran-Tadd | Claudio Corfone | Matteo Cremonesi | Marzia Corinne Rossi | Carlo Dell’Acqua | Nicola Di Caprio | Loredana Dilillo | Alessandro Di Pietro | Rosanna Guida | Michele Guido | Marta Fernandez Calvo | Helga Franza | Silvia Hell | Joykix | Irina Kholodnaya | Sophie Ko Chkheidze | Donata Lazzarini | Domenico Antonio Mancini | Maria Giovanna Mancini | Silvia Mariotti | Esther Mathis | Monica Mazzone | Concetta Modica | Bruno Muzzolini | Serena Osti | Francesco Pucci | Pietro Spoto | Lorenzo Tamai | Davide Valenti | Vedovamazzei | Giorgia Vian | Massimiliano Viel | Diego Zuelli . . . and others.

1 Serge Latouche, Ellul contro il totalitarismo tecnico, Jaca Book, pag. 19
Denis Poulot, Les Sublime ou le travailleur comme il est en 1870 et ce qu’il peut étre, Maspero, Paris 1980

The Arthur Cravan Foundation, inspired by the Dadaist performer, A. Cravan, is dedicated to supporting, producing, and promoting artistic projects and ideas deemed to be “unrealizable,” “non-conventional” and “No Future.”
COSE COSMICHE is a platform-catalyst for artists, scientists, and researchers across various disciplines interested in reflecting on and confronting the concepts of space, time, energy, and matter. Cose Cosmiche is under the direction of Helga Franza and Silvia Hell.



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